Thoughts from a librarian interested in the web's potential for information provision, looking at accessibility and assistive technology in particular.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Spoke too soon....
.... seems there was a little crash the other day in exams..... wondering if anyone else has issues with JAWS - I've never had anything other than some sluggishness with the internet....
Ruth, Using JAWS and Internet Explorer isn’t always perfect. Sometimes, there is something to be said for add ons that are running if a crash happens. I’m running JFW 9 and I’ve had some intermittent problems using IE7. Sometimes, I know it’s the Flash and it makes the browser crash, while JAWS and other running apps are just fine.
However, there are some other times, such as about an hour ago, when I was waiting for one of my RSS feeds to load in IE and it all freezes up. Sometimes, on sites that have lots of material, like Fred’s Head Companion or, they take a moment to load. During that time, things run a little slow and JAWS gets quiet. Then, a moment later, the feed is loaded and all is fine. But, then Every now and then, though, like when loading Fred’s Head Companion, it locks up and nothing works. A reboot usually works and I can get back to what I was doing afterwards and all is fine.
I know what I just gave you isn’t scientific, but it’s a reality.
This started out as a Blog for a 1 Day Conference on Web 2.0. I'm keeping it going to learn as much as I can and relate it to my current job as Disability Librarian at Oxford University. A lot of what I do relates to assistive software and computer use by disabled students, so Web 2.0 is highly pertinent.
Using JAWS and Internet Explorer isn’t always perfect. Sometimes, there is something to be said for add ons that are running if a crash happens. I’m running JFW 9 and I’ve had some intermittent problems using IE7. Sometimes, I know it’s the Flash and it makes the browser crash, while JAWS and other running apps are just fine.
However, there are some other times, such as about an hour ago, when I was waiting for one of my RSS feeds to load in IE and it all freezes up. Sometimes, on sites that have lots of material, like Fred’s Head Companion or, they take a moment to load. During that time, things run a little slow and JAWS gets quiet. Then, a moment later, the feed is loaded and all is fine. But, then Every now and then, though, like when loading Fred’s Head Companion, it locks up and nothing works. A reboot usually works and I can get back to what I was doing afterwards and all is fine.
I know what I just gave you isn’t scientific, but it’s a reality.
Thanks Ron. Reality is what I'm after. It's real life situations of things going wobbly that help me work out why.
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